To all the women out there

Rishipal Yadav
2 min readMar 7, 2021
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Tumhare hone se hai ye jahan roshan,
Tumhare bagair hum kuchh bhi nahin!

Without you, we are just a bunch of losers who can not even take care of ourselves. We can not find our way home even on a straight road. We need you by our side every moment of our lives. We claim to have solved the complexities of life yet failed to accept that you are the foundation of all these answers. One day a year is just not enough for you, you deserve the celebration for centuries.

We are too proud to admit this but without you, we are nothing.

Yes, without you, we are nothing.

Happy Women’s day!


To all the men who are reading this,

If you meet a woman who corrects you, pulls you out of misery, listens to you, helps you in becoming a better person, hold on to them, be it your mother, sister, friend, girlfriend, partner, wife, boss, colleague, or someone you met on a trip. Love them. Respect them. Support them. Care for them. Never let that bond fade away because of your stupidity. Put that male ego aside, try to understand their world view. Trust me, all it needs to make your world better is to make their world better.


In the end, I would like to leave you with a tweet from Jen Richards. Just read it over again and again. It is worth thinking about!

“I rarely meet men in real life as extraordinary as ones on film, and rarely see women on film as extraordinary as ones I know in real life.”
- Jen Richards

